First Name
Last Name
Are you a Registered Dietitian?
How many years of experience do you have as a dietitian?
Do you currently own your own business and have clients of your own?
What is your philosophy as a dietitian?
Do you have any specialty areas?
Do you have any certifications outside of being a dietitian? (Certified Personal Trainer, etc.)
How do you approach a female client who’s struggled with disordered eating patterns? What has been your experience working with female clients who’ve struggled with disordered eating?
Do you have ADHD or any knowledge on ADHD and its affect on the way a female views food and nutrition?
Have you worked with women who have ADHD on their eating habits and symptoms that accompany ADHD?
How would you handle a female client who has ADHD and a past of all-or-nothing mindset when it comes to food?
What strategies do you recommend for building sustainable eating habits, especially for neurodivergent women with ADHD?
How do you incorporate mindfulness and balance into your nutrition plans?
What role do you believe micronutrients play in achieving overall health, and how do you help clients meet those needs?
How do you consider mental health and lifestyle factors when creating nutrition plans?
Do you do bloodwork/lab work with your clients?
How to you handle the mindset part of coaching your clients?
What is your view on meal plans?
What is your stance on supplements?
What is your current hourly or monthly rate?
Do you have any experience working with clients with medical issues? If so, what issues?
Instagram Handle (or another social media if you don't have IG)
Email Address
What time zone are you in?
Do you give consent to have your Zoom call recorded for quality and training purposes?